NEHRP Clearinghouse
displaying 1311 - 1320 results in total 1394
Seismic Provisions of State and Local Building Codes and Their Enforcement.
National Inst. of Standards and Technology (BFRL), Gaithersburg, MD. Structures Div.; Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC., May 1992, 368 p.
Keywords: ; Seismic design; Earthquake resistant structures; Regulations; Enforcement; State government; Earthquake engineering; Surveys; Local government; Construction management; Building codesKiureghian, A. D.; Neuenhofer, A.
Response Spectrum Method for Multiple-Support Seismic Excitations.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., August 1991, 76 p.
Identifying Number(s): UCB/EERC-91/08
Keywords: Beams (Supports); Structural vibration; Seismic waves; Response Spectrum Method; Mathematical models; Dynamic response; Degrees of freedom; Earthquake engineering; Displacement; Seismic effects; Structural members; Frequencies; Structural analysisEarthquake Engineering Research Center Annual Report, 1991-92.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., October 1992, 60 p.
Keywords: ; Contracts; Earthquake resistant structures; Research projects; Earthquake engineering; Meetings; Grants; Management; Protection; Training; EarthquakesMarshall, R. D.; Phan, L. T.; Celebi, M.
Measurement of Structural Response Characteristics of Full-Scale Buildings: Selection of Structures.
February 1991, 26 p.
Identifying Number(s): NISTIR-4511
Keywords: Structural engineering; Measuring instruments; Structural vibration; Loma Prieta Earthquake; Seismic waves; Field tests; Dynamic response; Buildings; Earthquake engineering; Measurement; Earthquakes; Dynamic structural analysisJirsa, J. O.
Proceedings of a Workshop on Evaluation, Repair, and Retrofit of Structures. U.S.-Japan Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects, UJNR. Held in Gaithersburg, MD., USA, on May 12-14, 1990.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., April 1991, 312 p.
Identifying Number(s): NISTIR-4515
Keywords: ; Earthquake resistant structures; Wind effects; Reinforced concrete; Seismic waves; Steel structures; Retrofitting; Earthquake damage; Earthquake engineering; Repair; Concrete structures; Meetings; Structural members; Structural analysisPhan, L. T.; Hendrickson, E. M.; Marshall, R. D.
Measurement of Structural Response Characteristics of Full-Scale Buildings: Analytical Modeling of the San Bruno Commercial Office Building.
March 1992, 52 p.
Identifying Number(s): NISTIR-4782
Keywords: Structural vibration; Loma Prieta Earthquake; Seismic waves; Dynamic response; Buildings; Earthquake engineering; Earthquakes; Measurement; Vibration damping; Soil-structure interactions; Frequencies; Dynamic structural analysisRaufaste, N. J.
Building and Fire Research Project Summaries, 1992.
March 1992, 162 p.
Identifying Number(s): NISTIR-4796
Keywords: ; Structural engineering; Flammability; Fire safety; Research projects; Concretes; Construction materials; Abstracts; Refrigerating machinery; Buildings; Fires; Earthquake engineering; Construction industryEquchi, R. T.
Proceedings of the U.S.-Japan Workshop on Earthquake Disaster Prevention for Lifetime Systems (4th). Held in Los Angeles, California on August 19-21, 1991.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.; Public Works Research Inst., Tokyo (Japan)., August 1992, 500 p.
Identifying Number(s): NIST/SP-840
Keywords: Seismic waves; Disasters; Damage assessment; Design analysis; Earthquake damage; Risk; Meetings; Highway bridges; Tunnels; Japan; Seismic effects; Earthquake resistance; United States; Dynamic response; Earthquake engineering; Repair; Reinforcement (Structures); Earthquakes; Lifeline systemsPhan, L. T.; Todd, D. R.; Lew, H. S.
Strengthening Methodology for Lightly Reinforced Concrete Frames-I.
February 1993, 112 p.
Identifying Number(s): NISTIR-5128
Keywords: ; Reinforced concrete; Framed structures; Deformation; Mechanical hysteresis; Mathematical models; Walls; Dynamic response; Concrete structures; Earthquake engineering; Regression analysis; Stiffness; Design analysis; Loads (Forces); Reinforcement (Structures); Dynamic structural analysisGlaser, S.
Estimating Soil Parameters Important for Lifeline Siting Using System Identification Techniques.
March 1993, 102 p.
Identifying Number(s): NISTIR-5143
Keywords: Seismic waves; Railroads; Power lines; Mathematical models; Roads; Strain measurement; Earthquake engineering; System identification; Liquefaction; Soil dynamics; Pipelines; Earthquakes; Telecommunication